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Beckman貝克曼 CD3-APC CD3檢測試劑 IM2467
CD3ζ see TCRζ in Human non-CD antigens section. The CD3 antigen is a complex of 5 invariable polypeptidic chains, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η, whose molecular weights are respectively 25-28, 21, 20, 16 and 22 kDa. The ζ chain occurs in the CD3 complex as a disulphide linked homodimer or as a heterodimer with the η chain. CD3 is part of a bigger complex which includes the T Cell Receptor (TCR). This complex is expressed by mature T cells and by thymocytes. T cell activation may be induced when a foreign antigen is presented to the TCR through MHC complex.
Beckman貝克曼 CD3-APC CD3檢測試劑 IM2467